Afternoon Breakout #1b - Adult Formation and Marriage Enrichment
Location: The Press Room Lounge - 5/29/24, 3:30 PM - 5/29/24, 4:15 PM (EDT) (45 minutes)

Afternoon Breakout #1b - Adult Formation and Marriage Enrichment
Steven Serafin

I am the Pastoral Associate of St. Bartholomew’s in Scotch Plains, NJ where I over see a new initiative called the Emmaus Coalition of Life Long Formation and our New Family Faith Formation Program. I have been married to my wife Tricia for six years and we have a two year old daughter Martha. I graduated from Catholic University with a Doctor in Ministry, received a Masters in Theology focusing on Evangelization and Catechesis from The University of Notre Dame’s Echo program and a B.A from Catholic University with a minor in Finance and Management. My treatise focused on accompanying newlyweds beyond the sacrament. I have served in a number of ministerial positions: Associate Director for Catechesis for the Archdiocese of Newark, Director of Faith Formation, Campus Minister, and Teacher. Along with my team, I am developing a lifelong model for parish accompaniment and initiating a new approach to family formation.

A breakout session focused on utilizing new Pathways resources with adults and married couples.